ive been in peru a week now and its still rockin.
my housemates are a real ill bunch, touchin down from all over the place; philly, washington, england, scottland, portland... turns out two of guys in my house go to vanderbilt with me, a year behind. word?! heres where i live. its a sort of volunteer house.
everyday i wake up around 845 to be at work at 10. i volunteer at a boys orphanage called solome ferro, which is about a 30 minute walk from the base.heres some of the stuff i see on the way to work.
the incan kings old crib. in the front is one of the million taxis that bomb the streets. riding in these taxis is kind of like racing toads turnpike on mario kart 64, except with more danger. they cost 2 soles a ride (about 70 cents i guess).
ave grau: the street that the orphange is on
fruit carts and cute ninos:
aaand the orphanage.
the boys ages range from about 8 - 15 and theyre all rad. most days i help them with theyre homework (try to) then go outside and kick it with them. my spanish isnt that great, and the kids are hard to understand. usually my part of the conversation goes something like "si... si... si... hahahah... si... si..." but i do alright because i know the only word that really matters: PATINAR - to skateboard:
i brought my skateboard with me to peru and so take it to the orphanage. everyday, i walk through the doors and its "patina! patina! patina!" all over the place. the kids are super fun. full of enthusiasm and life, and they definately hold it down on the skateboard. they assume im brazillian, and ask me if i know capoeira. that and they tell me im marlon wayan from scary movie. i gueeesss. heres a couple of the kids.
guido is the only kid that eats the invisible candy i hand out. and he always comes back for more:
these hats have been hot in peru for centuries:
el capo:
different shoes looks amazing:
after work i explore cusco. this is a huge time for the city of cusco. theres a ton of festivals. the whole year in cusco sort builds up and culminates in a huge celebration on the 24th. heres some festivities around the plaza de armas at night. cusco at night is the most orangest place in the world.
peru is still the bomb. ive met a ton of real cool people. ive kind of got a cold though, and blowing my nose all day combined with the high altitude has been giving me some furocious nose bleeds. one time my nose starting blowing up when i was skating at the park. with no paper, blood got all over my hands and face. and so i sat bleeding in the park while people walked by wondering who i murdered and ate. *sorry, no picture. hands to bloody*
thats all for now.
oh wait. nevermind more pictures.
its redikuhluz how beautiful cusco is:
looks like boo buts its actually chocolate covered croissant... perfecto:
Hey Micah. It's me, Norlaila. I just happened to stumble on your blog through Facebook, and I am amazed at the photographs from Peru. They're beautiful. Seems like you're having fun. Hope everything is going well. Take care!
Yo Bro! The kids look hella pumped about pintando (skating)!!! Too bad about the sickness and the nose bleeds...the city of Cusco looks grippa old school but seems like a dope pintar spot! keep the good times rolling (pun intended-HA!) and spit that fire--your narrations are ALL YOU-definately. k-k-keep it real and take it easy like always. Peace_!
i like the kid in the puma sweatshirt, he looked like a bboy
dope blog. hope ur having a good time down there. ima subscribe to this if u dont mind!
mmmmmmmic i'm so jealous ur having a great time in peru while im in seattle being bored!!!! i love how peru looks at night...its sooooo beautiful!!! all the kids loook awesome too...which one did u decide to bring back to me?? oh yeah...can u bring me a fruit stand w yummie fruits home tooo?!? THANKSS anyway, misss u anddd have fun w ur 70 cents taxi ride =)
ps about the nose bleed..u might wanna ask dullah what his trick is to that..his nose be having bloody waterfalls all the time but he knows how to stop it.
takkkkke careeeee and haaave fun!
Tight Micah! Keep representing in Peru. Are you coming to Nashville next year??
that one kid is flicking off tha camera...that croissant looks so good. I hope your not destroying these kids shoes with your skateboard :P I bet you could do capoira(sp?) if you tried once or twice hah...enjoy yourself looks amazing
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